Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Clouds and Stones

12" x 16"

oil on panel

We have a lot of rocks in our yard. We're not very good gardeners and my husband has become preoccupied with getting the rocks out of the way of the lawn mower and starting a stone wall. He has a particular fascination with ones without mortar. My grandfather, a construction worker, also loved stone walls. He admired the craftsmanship and the combination of natural beauty and the work of the hands. Their is a human scale to such walls, as well as evidence of care, time, and planning, like embroidery.

In this painting, the clouds take the form of a series of rings. Their unity as a line and forms of individual units echo the stones. One reading of the foreground can be water surrounding the rocks, but waves don't lap at their edges. More likely from the information painted they are strung in the air, like weighty party decorations. Clouds and stones are elevated to the celestial, common, belonging, important. The clouds seem like white halos to the stones.

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