Sunday, November 19, 2006


Digital Image
This is the image for the sign for "open-mindedness" that I came across in a sign language book. As hands hold special interest for me, it is appealing to think of the gesture having additonal significance. The resulting image is a lot like a sign, with its clarity and legibility. I am fascinated that the pictorial translation of the action allows for the hands and forearms to be outgrowths of the head, the mind. I chose a peaceful sea and sky to envelope the figure, connoting the tranquility of openmindedness. To be open-minded is to be receptive to new ideas and experiences, without losing oneself in the process. In this sense it connects to the exploration I am doing in self-portraiture as well as to our politically divided nation and global conflicts.
One hand almost appears to hold a cloud on a string, like a kite. The line/string is a part of the folds of the fingers, which becomes cloud and current. It is the transparency of the "upper hand" that reiterates the theme. The diction is concise, as is Chinese landscape painting. It is also a quality in Guston drawings, which I aspire to, and was fortunate to see this week at McKee Gallery.

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