Saturday, August 06, 2011

Hard Truths: The Art of Thornton Dial | Indianapolis Museum of Art

Amongst the best art I've ever seen, Hard Truths: The Art of Thornton Dial at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

Yesterday I didn't know Thornton Dial exists and now he's one of my favorite artists. His painting/collage/assemblages, drawings and sculpture rival Rauschenberg, Picasso, Duchamp, Keifer, Nevelson, Basquiat, Pollock, and even Van Gogh. The work has dynamic structure, reverberating energy, and unity despite the array of found materials, "junk" constructing it. Every piece is magnetic, charged.

He is a master self-taught African-American from impoverished Alabama. I applaud all this who are helping to bring his work to light, however it is a travesty that the Art World in it's market-driven elitism is shutting him out from his rightful place at the pinnacle. Those in power are afraid his art will subvert the established criteria of admittance into art history, the white boys' club. It's difficult to ascertain if the Art World is gradually changing or only offering token acceptance to a minority of minority artists. In any case, it's holding the reins tightly.

Artists especially need to see Dial's work. It kicks butt.

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