Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Washington Art Association

16" x 16", oil on canvas, 2006

Butterfly Pelvis/Wild Indigo Dusty Wing

I am having a show at the Washington Art Association in Washington Depot, CT, from June 23-July 22, 2007. The opening reception is Saturday, June 23rd from 4-6pm. The gallery's website is http://www.washingtonart.org/ I expect to hang between fifteen and twenty paintings as well as a few prints. The art association has three galleries and there will be one artist for each space. The other two artists I am showing with are the painter, Kathy Black, and the sculptor, Bob Rivera. The image above will be included in the show and is featured on the announcement. It is rather like Georgia O'Keefe both in symbolism, scale, and paint handling. The pelvis is symbolic of birth as well as death (bone) and the butterfly of life cycles and renewal. The forms fit together in a dynamic way and it was important to me that one did not dominate over the other.
The tension between the green and purple echos the sharp contrast of black and white in the picture.