Friday, March 02, 2007


digital image

This is a double self-portrait (figure in blue, larger figure sketched on left) along with my husband, son, and dog. The house is a part of my husband's torso, his head its apex, like a cross on a steeple. He is the symbol of home for me. One of my legs is an arm and hand. It touches the ground, showing that I am on sure footing at home, "walking on solid ground," so to speak. I like the change in scale between the interior and exterior figures as well as the flailing arms in exuberant greeting. This is as close to Hallmark as I get.

The style is somewhat Cubist. Two of Picasso's portraits of family were stolen this week from his granddaughter's home. Their combined value of $66 million is hard to wrap one's head around.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hallmark, eh? You'll need a sappy poem to go with it then ;-).